Sunday, October 31, 2010

Analyzing the 2011 Free Agent Class

With the demise of the Yankees 2010 season and the World Series a game away from ending, its time to turn our attention to 2011. Remember, there's only 105 days until Pitchers and Catchers report! We already know that Joe Girardi will be back, and over the next few days we'll take a look at the 2011 free agent class. For this first post, we'll take a look at the 2011 free agents who we're with the Yankees in 2010.

Derek Jeter & Mariano Rivera:
The Captain and Mo have a lot in common: Both are true Yankee greats, both first-ballot hall of famers, both will have their numbers retired one day, and both will be back next year. Jeter's numbers have fallen in the last few years, but he's still Derek Jeter. He'll get paid whatever he wants. His last contract, for 10 years and $189 million, is the third largest contract in the history of sports (behind only a-rod's last two contracts), and he will probably make similar money to that. The fact of the matter is, Jeter will never play anywhere else, and as much as I would like to see him take one of those small contracts like Piazza did towards the end of his carear, I don't think that is going to happen. Picture 4 years, $84 Million, loaded with incentives and a club option for a fifth year. As for Mariano, another 3 year $45 million dollar contract, also with incentives sounds about right.

Andy Pettite:
 Another year, another waiting game with Andrew Eugene Pettite. Long story short, if he wants to come back, he will. He'll solidify the back end of the rotation, and give the Yankees a reliable arm. However, the news that Pettite was injured in the postseason, along with his often stated desire to spend time in Texas with his family, raises doubt on Pettites possible return for 2011. If he wants to come back expect $12 Million for 1 year.

Lance Berkman and Nick Johnson:
The Yankees have declined the options on both Berkman and Johnson following the 2010 season. Both players underperformed in 2010, and I do not expect them to be back. Berkman will probably sign with another club, most likely in the NL. As for the last man to play with Babe Ruth Nick Johnson, his wrist surgery this year has quite possibly ended his career.

Kerry Wood:
The Yankees have also declined Kerry Wood's option for 2011, however, thanks to his stellar 2010 performance, I expect the Yankees to offer him a contract for less than the $11 offered in his option. $6 million, one year.

Yanks gear up for football

Yankee Stadium will host Notre Dame against Army on November 20th, followed by the Pinstripe bowl on December 30th, and the Field is starting to take shape.
Photos From the LoHud Yankees Blog

The Pinstripe Bowl is the first in New York City since the Gotham Bowl between Miami and Nebraska at Old Yankee Stadium in 1962, and is one of three current Bowl games played at Baseball-only facilities, joining the Craft Fight Hunger Bowl at AT&T Park in San Francisco, and the Beef O'Brady's Bowl at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg. Yankee Stadium has previously hosted several non-baseball events, including September's Jay-Z/Eminem concert, NYU's graduation ceremonies, and the Cotto-Foreman super welterweight championship fight in July. Here's hoping Rutgers can find their way into the bowl game this year!

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

While 161 and River is intended as a mostly Yankee-Centric blog, there's a lot in the sports world that's been bothering me over the last year or so that I would like to address, so here it goes:

Rays' Attendance:

Proposed Meadowlands Ballpark
For years we kept hearing the same diatribe about how "they'll draw when they're competitive". Well guess what? The Rays went to the World Series in 2008, competed with the Yankees and Red Sox in 2009, and had the best record in baseball in 2010, yet still finished with the 9th best attendance out of the 14 American League teams. It got so bad that the players started calling out the fans and the team was forced to give away 20,000 tickets to what became the Division Clinching game, and only drew an average of 23,025 fans per game, despite being neck-and-neck with the Yankees for the majority of the season. Face it, the Florida baseball experiment has failed. The Marlins and rays both post some of the lowest attendance figures in the league, despite being two of the best teams. It's time to consider relocating the Florida Franchises. The Marlins just got a new stadium, so they're not going anywhere, but the Rays play in one of the worst stadiums in baseball, and draw flies. Since the Athletics are moving to San Jose, there are only a few options left for the Rays to move to- Portland, Vancouver (who just renovated their BC place stadium that was origionaly intended to attact MLB), North Carolina, North Jersey (The area CAN support a third team, it has before), and, dare I say it, Montreal who has been without a team since 2004. The Rays need to move, because whether they like it or not, the Yankees are still the most popular team in Tampa, and no matter what they do, that's not going to change.

New Marlins Ballpark Rendering
The Florida Miami Marlins:
While on the topic of Florida teams that should move, the Florida (soon to be Miami) Marlins finaly recently received the permission and funds to build a new retractable roof stadium on the Orange Bowl site set to open for the 2012 season. This sounds great, and since we always hear that a retractable roof will make the attendance in Miami reach respectable levels. The problem, however is that the long held-belief that the Marlins owners have been taking the majority of the money they receive each year in MLB luxury taxes for profit, rather than reinvesting in the team. It gets worse though. The Stadium Project, which is estimated to cost taxpayers $2.4 billion over multiple generations, was said by the Marlins to have been to expensive to undertake on their own, so Miami-Dade county gave them the stadium at tax-payer expense. However, an analysis of the Marlins' finances shows that not only could they have payed a significant portion of the stadium, but they would have turned a profit at the same time.  So there you have it, full-on stadium socialism! As John Hammond would say "we've spared no expense".

Soccer Fans:
At least the NY Post got it right
Once every four years these people come out of the woodwork, telling us that we should care about the World Cup because everyone else does. Well you know what? I'm as patriotic as the next guy, and I'd like to see my country do well, but I don't give a shit about soccer. It's boring. Nothing about it is appealing. They kick the ball around for 90 minutes and nothing happens. Hell the game can even end in a tie! What the hell is that? That's not exciting! That's called being anti-climactic! When I invest time of my life into a game there had damn well better be a winner at the end. And whenever the players get mildly tapped, they roll around on the ground like they just got shot (see: diving), and that's considered good strategy in soccer! Please, I watched Mark Texeria play first base with a broken toe for most of the season and he didn't let up on his play one bit. If this happened in any other sport that would be outrage. In fact, it did happen, to Derek Jeter just this past season, and it was all over ESPN, MLB network, and the internet people were absolutely furious about this. And Jeter didn't even beg for the base, he was given it and just didn't give it back. But in soccer, that's a great play, not unsportsmanlike conduct. And one more thing, it's called soccer, not football. We already have a sport called football, and a lot more people like it here.

Anti-New York Bias: 
I don't watch ESPN any more. I exclusively watch MLB network for highlights during the baseball season, NFL net for football season, etc. Why you ask? Because whether it's the Yankees, the Giants, the Rangers or even the freakin' liberty ESPN hates New York. Maybe it's because their headquaters is well behind the lines of Red Sox Nation, but whatever the reason, they're reporters, there should be no bias either way. The same goes for Joe Buck, the Fox sports broadcaster who hates the Yankees more than anyone I've ever met. Even worse is MLB umpire Angel Hernandez. Whenever I see him behind the dish, it seams like the New York (Yanks or Mets) pitcher will be done by the forth inning thanks to a series of bad calls, and the opposing pitcher will have the best game of his career. He is easily the worst umpire in MLB. At least we've got John Stewart on our side.

Rally Towels:
Has there ever been a more vile invention? These things are so stupid, designed for fans who don't want to watch the game. Here's a novel about you..ya know watch the damn game! The same thing can be said for the wave, which I have been seeing a lot more than I should be at Yankee Stadium this year. If you want that gimmicky shit, go to Queens! The Bronx is for baseball purists. We don't do the wave here! OK, rant over...

 SF Giants fans smoking weed in the stadium:
 We get it, your star pitcher smokes weed and you're a generally progressive city. Hell, by Tuesday it might even be leagal to smoke weed in Cali, But wait till Tuesday, ok? The fact that most San Franciscan's can't go through a whole baseball game without smoking up is scary. Josh Hamilton, a recovering addict, has even smelled it in the outfield. And one Texas-based reported has even smelled it on multiple occasions around the city. So long story short San Fran - wait till Tuesday to light up. And even then have some respect for the people around you.

Hat of the Week:

As some of you know I have a bit of a Hat obsession. I'm going to use this segment to once a week show off a hat, be it Minor League, Major League, or other wise that I think is the best hat of the week. (Disclaimer: The standard Yankee cap is unarguably the best cap ever made and will not be featured in this segment as it would be unfair to all other caps). The first featured cap is that of the Australian Baseball League's Melborne Aces:

They could have very easily went the boring route and put an Ace of Spades on the cap, but no, they went with the significantly cooler fighter pilot Ace look, and is by far the best hat in the ABL. I love this hat, but $45 plus $15 for shipping is a little steep for  a poor college student.

What went wrong?

 2010 American League Championship pennants sit unused in the bowels of Yankee Stadium

Alright, so now that we got the first post out of the way, it's time to look a just what went wrong for the Yankees this season. There was a lot that contributed to the Yanks downfall this year, from the front office down to the coaching staff. Let's start at the top:

GM Brian Cashman:
A series of bone-headed off season moves, including signing Nick Johnson, trading for the most hated man in New York, and allowing the World Sereis MVP to walk, Cashman's bad season culminated in allowing a no-name prospect to prevent Cliff Lee from coming to New York on July 9th, a move that more than likely cost the Yankees the Pennant. Cash, you're lucky Big Stein isn't here anymore, 'cause you'd be looking for a Job with the Nationals. Speaking of which...

 Javier Vazquez:
Javy had a less-than steller first stint in New York (The picture at right is from the 2004 series that we don't talk about), and clearly couldn't handle the pressure of pitching in New York. Somehow this made Cashman think that bringing him back after a very good season in the Minors National League for a non-contender that he could handle the pressure of the Bronx. Long story short, he couldn't. In fact, his season was so bad that he was left of the playoff roster all together. It's not at all surprising that Javy has been linked to the perennial also-ran Washington Nationals even before the end of the World Series.

Nick Johnson:
Cashman has admitted that Nick Johnson was his Plan C this off season, behind Damon and Matsui. Regardless however, Nick Johnson was not the Yankees DH answer this year, and Cashman of all people should have been aware of Johnson's history with injuries and his inability to perform in New York. Johnson's 1-year $5.5 million contract amounts to a little more than half of Damon's $8 million 1-year contract with Detriot, however Damon produced much better numbers than Johnson, who even with the shortened season only batted .167 on the year. Bottom line, Damon would have been worth the extra $2.5 million, and would have contributed way more to the club than Johnson, especially considering how Damon thrived off the short porch in 2009.

Joba Chamberlain:
If you had told me three years ago that Joba would have been so ineffective in 2010 I would have said you were crazy. After all, he allowed one (1!) earned run in all of 2007. Since then however, the constant back and forth between the rotation and the bullpen has taken it's toll on the once star prospect. Maybe he should focus on baseball more, and try to avoid the DUI's.

Alex Rodrigez, Derek  Jeter, Jorge Posada:
All three had off years. A-Rod spent time on the DL (but still got 30 HRs and 125 RBIs). Jeter's defense continued to fall, showing almost no range to the left side, although both myself and the skipper think Jeter's still got some gas in the tank. And Jorge...well lets just say hopefully Jesus Montero is good to go in 2011, because right now a block of wood would offer more defense behind the dish.

Joe Girardi's Bullpen Management:
Joe Torre took a lot of flack in his later years in New York for his bullpen management (just ask Scott Proctor), but Girardi seemed to be different...until 2010. If I see him take a pitcher who is on a roll out one more time for a match up or to go lefty-lefty, and then have that relief pitcher promptly give up a home run, I'm not gonna be a happy camper. Just saying.

Last but not least - A.J. Burnett:
I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet - The man lost more games than any Yankee in the last 20 years...yet somehow earned the right to be the only pitcher on the staff to get his own catcher. He blew a game in the ALCS that the Yankees should have had, and throughout the season suffered multiple self-inflicted injuries. I think Tony Soprano put it best:

"Tony Soprano: Jesus Christ, A.J. I mean, you make me wanna cry....Ya gotta grow up. You're not a kid anymore. You hear me, gotta grow up."

Thanks Tony

Saturday, October 30, 2010

First post...

I've been thinking about how I should make my first post for a while now. I guess it's only appropriate that I should make it while the Yanks are still technically the reigning World Series Champs, and what better way to start than with a look back on that championship run. This is a video I put together last winter after the WS...enjoy: